Planning presents significant obstacle to housing delivery

The planning process is now the greatest barrier to increasing housing output in 2023, topping cost concerns which were identified as the main obstacle to delivery in 2022. These are among the findings of the latest Knight Frank New Homes Construction Survey.

Overall, a planning application could take in the region of four years to be successful as 33pc of respondents, representing members of the building community, report that it is taking between seven to 12 months to receive a grant of planning permission from a local authority. 32pc believe that an appeal could add 11-15 months to the planning process while 46pc estimate that a judicial review could add more than 21 months to the planning process.

The planning process is now the greatest barrier to increasing housing output in 2023, topping cost concerns which were identified as the main obstacle to delivery in 2022. These are among the findings of the latest Knight Frank New Homes Construction Survey.

Overall, a planning application could take in the region of four years to be successful as 33pc of respondents, representing members of the building community, report that it is taking between seven to 12 months to receive a grant of planning permission from a local authority. 32pc believe that an appeal could add 11-15 months to the planning process while 46pc estimate that a judicial review could add more than 21 months to the planning process.